short story: the party

We were passing round the third joint by the time the pills kicked in. Carl was sat with a girl I didn’t know both watching a video about Asian women inserting eels into each others bodies among other depraved things. He looked transfixed. I’d missed him. The rest of us - Davey, Mitch, Ken, Donnie and me - sat daring each other to down substances. We’d started with sauce and vinegar, then moved to cough medicine and cocktails of alcohol and prescription pills, now we were joking about doing it with the bottle of bleach, which seemed somewhat doable considering the £50 pot we had going.

Someone new arrived every minute, most of them people I hadn’t seen in years. Freddie, whose house this was, was in the kitchen laying out drink and drugs. When I’d arrived the kitchen was a scatter of powder pills and plants which he’d now converted into baggies and joints. His plan was to sell them during the party. Clara arrived next. I hadn’t seen her since graduation, our lives never collided like I’d thought they might. She said hi to everyone then went to the kitchen to hug Freddie. His hello involved handing her a few baggies of white powder for free.

We gathered into a circle in the living room big enough for the new arrivals and started to play card games. After one round of Blackjack Clara said we should make up a game like we used to do. We made a very simple game where the player with the lowest cards took off a piece of clothing. Things were stripped off fast. After one round I was down to boxers and socks. Colours were already getting brighter to me and time was passing differently from usual. I'd forgotten these feelings but all at once they came back to me. I was talking fast, everyone was. We decided the loser needed a real punishment. So Donnie had to snort lines off of Sam’s arse cheeks and eat raw meat off my belly; on the plus side he got to lick tequila off Clara’s tits, her own idea actually.

By the game’s end the house was packed and people had spilled into the kitchen, dining room, landing and the bedrooms. It was amazing how big the house was, god knows what Freddie had done to afford it. No wonder he’d wanted a party to show it off.

Someone had put some German heavy metal music on the speakers that could probably be heard a few streets away. I was stood in the kitchen catching up with Alex and Donnie. We each had different alcohols in ours hands; our stomachs were becoming blenders of various chemicals. We were saying what we’d been doing for work: it was all office and factory work. Our younger selves would have thought it was bleak. I said I’d escaped a late night shift to get here. Donnie came up with the idea: he called my office from Freddie’s house phone (without him knowing) and doing his best impression of a concerned citizen told my boss there was a bomb in the building. Who knows what happened after that. We laughed for ten minutes straight after Donnie put the phone down.

It wasn’t long before Freddie had sold his mountains of powders. He phoned his dealer, a meek looking man who I hardly heard speak the whole night, who went by the name “Rocks”, who turned up 20 minutes later with three people none of us knew. Throughout the night lots of other people we didn’t know continued to turn up, Rocks being the likely explanation. When Rocks came into the garden to smoke with me and a few others he opened up his jacket to reveal a gallery of various substances. Soon the jacket had been left on the living room floor, Rocks lost to the depths of the house, the jacket an open buffet of every narcotic imaginable. People tripped, ketted, wired and doped themselves.

I walked into the bathroom to find Ken, Scott and Lola all sitting naked. They asked me to join in. Once I’d chucked the last of my clothes on the floor we made a square shape and passed around a baggie of MDMA. Scott’s nose bled after his hit. The nakedness wasn’t something sexual, it was about seeing each other whole. The MD was making us speak fast and feel emotional and we started to take turns saying deep secrets about ourselves. They started somewhat light, crushes we’d had in our group of friends, shit parenting stories, Ken showed us how small his penis is. I told everyone I hadn’t lost my virginity until 20 and had lied to everyone about it up til then. The world outside the bathroom ceased to exist. My head was in a dirty filthy nirvana. Ken said he’d nearly killed a person once, maybe did kill them, with his car, but it had been dark and he’d sped away quick. Scott told us he’d slept with around 20 men since marrying his wife. Lola said she’d once let her brother finger her when they were teenagers. I felt so much love for the three of them for telling these secrets. And also the ecstasy. I told them that, years before, I’d gotten a blowjob off Ken’s sister while she was blackout drunk and I was sober. He hugged me and said it’s okay man, I could forgive fucking anything in this state. Then he kissed me on the lips.

All four of us started kissing. Then we unlocked the door and ran out naked. As people saw us they started to strip off too. Cocks and vaginas became part of the furniture.

I ran into a bedroom. Clara and Mitch were in there with a man I’d never seen before. They explained that he’d took too much of something and his brain had fried. He’d started jiggling and dancing and yelling random words. They’d watched him dripping with sweat and talking non-stop for 20 minutes when they decided to take him to the bedroom. Now he was nestled into the bed with two duvets wrapped around him. He looked dead. Why are you naked? Clara asked. Everyone’s getting naked I said. They got naked too and we stripped the clothes off the stranger as well.

The three of us walked out onto the landing and saw that everyone was kissing and fondling each other. People were fucking against the walls and on the stairs. The nakedness had been too much for everybody. Clara turned to me and started kissing me and wanking me. I motorboated her tits and grinded on her up against the wall. After a while I felt another hand feeling up my bits. I looked and saw it was Scott. I didn’t stop him, I let him do what he wanted, with his hands and his tongue, while I almost had my whole hand inside Clara. She was gasping it was hurting. I didn’t want to finish already so I told them I was going downstairs.

Every room downstairs had people fucking in it. Men and women. Men and men. Women and women. On and around the sofa there was a mass jumble of limbs and heads. Genders weren’t clear. What did they matter anyway? People weren’t just fucking: people were shoving things up each other’s arse, kitchen utensils, tv controllers; Lola was on top of a guy hitting him in the face so hard he was bleeding and I’m pretty sure I saw him come from it. There was semen everywhere. Strands of it were smudged on my feet. I joined and gave my body over to the limbs. I was fucking and being fucked. All people blurred into one. I was snorting lines of random substances off body parts. There was an endless repeating techno beat on the speakers, like at a rave, and the lights felt so bright, the energy of the room was so strong. After I’d come I went and stood in the garden to take in some of the cold and the quiet then went back in for more.

When the group had climaxed we all sat around looking spent. It was early morning now, cold greyish light from the sky. People’s eyes were bloodshot and there was a craziness in everything being said.

We need food someone said. So a gang of us walked out of the house naked. We were lurching through the streets like goblins, yelling and screaming. We woke up a homeless man who stared at us from his sleeping bag. We ran over to him and grabbed him by all sides. He yelled and shoved at us but it was no good. It was like a power was controlling us. We carried him back to the house above our heads like a coffin. When inside, one of the girls bashed his head in with a speaker and then we cooked him on the barbecue outside and handed pieces out to eat. I sat eating a piece of foot wondering what I’d think about things once the drugs wore off.


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