Short Story: Optimistic

It was about the time we ate Bradwell’s university lecturer that I started to feel optimistic about things. Bradwell said the bastard had given him the highest grade he’d ever been given and that such a thing was sacrilege. So Bradwell, Kooba and me got a lift down to the campus from a disabled man we’d met the previous week and then all of us - the disabled man having decided to join - scoured the lecturer’s department until we found his room. He was inside the room with the lights out wanking to pictures of his students, both male and female, the dirty bastard, and so Bradwell kicked him off the chair and pressed him to the ground while Kooba and me messed up the office and the disabled man pissed on the lecturer’s face. Bradwell yelled at the lecturer so loud it hurt my ears. He asked the guy why he’d gotten such a high grade. “I wrote it shit on purpose. I hate your fucking class. I forced a blind kid I know to write most of it. What’s with the high grade?” The man was choking by this point due to Bradwell’s boot pressing down so deep; he said he thought the essay was “subversive” and interesting to read. Bradwell flipped: he wrapped a nearby telephone wire around the man’s neck and strangled him until he coughed blood and his eyes rolled back and he was dead. Kooba said he felt peckish so we used the dead lecturer’s computer to search for food joints close by but there were none. So instead the four of us grabbed a limb each and carried the body to the university cafeteria and went into the kitchen in the back. We cleaved each piece of the man’s body off then found a big pot and put the pieces inside. We added lots of vegetables and sauces and spices and took turns stirring while the human broth bubbled into an appetising stew. Then we sat on the kitchen’s floor munching on a full bowl of stew each while the university chefs arrived to start their day and the light of the day dawning began to pass through the windows and the stew tasted juicy and nutritious and I felt really good about things.


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